F1GP-Ed Documentation
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If you have found a bug in F1GP-Ed, contact me via e-mail, or send me a
disk and S.A.E (or cash equivalent). Make sure you tell me what version of
F1GP you have (A, B or C) and how you get the bug to occur. Also, please
state your registration code. If you send me a disk and the bug actually
appears when playing F1GP (i.e. not in the F1GP-Ed user interface) then it
may help if you put a copy of the F1GP-Ed datafile, which you use to cause
the bug to occur, on the disk. I will then try and fix the bug as soon as
possible and send you the update. If nobody tells me about any bugs, I'll
never be able to fix them :-(
Converted on 16 Apr 1999 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.